Messi will carve no
mark in Zuckerberg's

If Mark got a 10,
he will plead mercy
in camp nou.

None knows all,
some know ball.

don't drown in wine.
acquired knowledge
resides behind.

The wise face what
they don't know,
the future is unknown;
a minute from now,

all you have is now,
all you know is past.

Haters at your back,
they dwell in the past,
don't turn,

they will confront
you with your past
to conflict your now,
don't turn,

even when they call,
face front.

When calls bounce off
your back,
they will run up and bite,

that's how low they will go
to ensure you don't go far.

Backbite gives you
a choice;
catatonia or wrong turn.

Haters in front, you turned,

Why settle those
you don't owe?

where's your future,
now that you are
facing the old?

Creditors at
your back;
right turn.

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