Pieces Of Peace

Pain is motion, pleasure too, emotions are
activities, peace is not calm, calm can be
sad, peace is not happy either, peace is rest.

Negative emotions, positive emotions,
hustles, achievements, failures, at the end of
everything man seeks peace.

When man is asleep, man is at peace, when
man dies, the living say, "rest in peace."

Peace is a state of nothing.

They can give you no worries, but no one
can give you peace.

Where two or more are gathered, peace is
far away.

Peace is simple, peace is easy, peace is
lonely, if you choose peace you will need
nothing else but man needs everything else.

True peace is near impossible to reach while
living in the society of men, man can only
get pieces of peace by detaching.

39 thoughts on “Pieces Of Peace”

  1. πŸ’œ YOU!!! forget to mention women; so NOW!!! YOU!!! ARE in a whole heap of trouble, especially from YOUR!!! Mom


    Liked by 2 people

  2. Bonjour
    C’est peut-Γͺtre le week-end qui approche , mais ce n’est pas une raison pour faire n’importe quoi
    Non, en fait, c’est l’occasion parfaite pour faire n’importe quoi
    Profite Γ  fond de ces jours Γ  venir
    Un peu en avance mais vos mieux le faire que jamais

    Au passage belles fetes de fin d’annΓ©es
    Joyeuse annΓ©e 2023
    Votre ami BERNARD bise amicale

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